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By John Dupra, Posted in Press, Pros

I recently got to be a guest on excellent woodworking podcast It's Wood with Daniel Carter. As a lifelong woodworker, Daniel had no idea how much goes into hardwood flooring.... read more.

  • December 09, 2019

By John Dupra, Posted in Tips

Did you know your floors could make you sick? A customer came to us after a series of unfortunate health issues. They were having health complications that would simply not clear up.... read more.

  • May 06, 2019

By John Dupra, Posted in Tips

The question I get a lot is, “John, I have kids, and a dog, and an African white rhinoceros, and we’re thinking of getting a saltwater crocodile. What kind of floor should I get? We love the look of hardwood, but will we be relegated to hovering over our house like some otherworldly specter for eternity?”... read more.

  • March 20, 2019

By Revel Woods, Posted in Press

No talk of the future should ever begin without a look back. Revel Woods was started by a small team of hardwood flooring industry experts who knew the future of hardwood included a serious online presence, but the present online experience was (how do we say this politely?) bad.... read more.

  • July 16, 2018

By John Dupra, Posted in Responsibility

Is there anything a person gets more passionate about than a diet? Religion and politics come close, but ask yourself if you would rather be told where you’re going to spend eternity, or that you should stop eating that thing you love.... read more.

  • June 07, 2018

By John Dupra, Posted in Tips

I have two small children. That means sleep is not a common thing in my house.  If we do manage to get a quiet moment by getting both kids to sleep, that’s only the first part of the challenge. The next part is actually getting past them to get downstairs without waking them up.... read more.

  • June 07, 2018

By John Dupra, Posted in Responsibility

It’s one of those phrases that most of us grew up with. We have been taught that there are no good ways to manage a forest, and cutting a single tree down will get you a nasty visit from Captain Planet. This thinking isn’t completely without merit.... read more.

  • June 07, 2018

By Revel Woods, Posted in Tips

Every single hardwood floor appears to be exactly the same. Brown, light brown, lighter brown, dark brown, gray, dark gray, wide, wider, narrow, brown. Maybe if you blur your eyes enough they turn into a Magic Eye? My eyes hurt just thinking about it.  ... read more.

  • June 07, 2018

By Revel Woods, Posted in Tips

Not all trees make good hardwood flooring. Likewise, not all hardwood flooring is ideal for all conditions –some are harder than others, they all react to temperature and moisture differently, and they all have a distinctive look.   ... read more.

  • June 07, 2018

By John Dupra, Posted in Responsibility

There are many children’s stories, like The Lorax, Fern Gully, and Captain Planet that could give you the impression that any form of resource harvesting is evil. However, like many global, economic, and scientific issues, forestry resource management is fairly complex. When done right, it can improve the health of the forest and prevent mass destruction like disease and wildfire. When done incorrectly well… Captain Planet might prove useful after all.    ... read more.

  • June 07, 2018